Setup amidst the dense moist deciduous forests of Purna Wildlife Sanctuary, one can relax and immerse into the thick forest cover of teak and bamboo to have a splendid experience.
On the ground floor, apart from the reception, there is a comfortable lounge where you can sit and drink tea or just read.
It is a small comfortable hotel. Our staff offers an attentive high-quality service and is always ready to offer any help to guests. There is an amazing fusion of calm and tranquility at hotel with hectic outside.
The Mahal Campsite is operated by Eco Tourism Development Society (ETDS) Sawardakasad, which is dedicated for “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education.” (TIES, 2015)
The ETDS engages local people from nearby villages of the Sanctuary to provide an opportunity to earn their living at the same time empower them to lead a sustainable life and protect the forests with close support and aid from the Forest Department of Gujarat.
ETDS Sawardakasad functions on the following principles:
- Raise environmental and cultural awareness and respect
- Provide positive experiences for the visitors and hosts
- Generate financial benefits for local people
- Design, construct and operate low-impact facilities
- Minimize physical, social, behavioral, and psychological impacts.